Ikea Furniture Assembly Dataset (IkeaFA) is a video dataset. Each video contains a single actor assembling and disassembling an Ikea furniture. The dataset could be helpful for researches on compositional actions and long-term video understanding.
pick leg
, attach leg 1/2/3/4
detach leg 1/2/3/4
, spin in/out
, flip table
Also a null
action is assigned to actions that don't belong to any listed actions above.README.txt
for details
On the table | On the floor |
You can download the dataset [here] (9.5GB).
The zip file has following structure:
├── README.txt ├── IkeaClipsDB.mat ├── videos ├── 2016-08-11 ├── GOPR*.MP4 ├── 2016-08-18 ├── GOPR*.MP4 ├── 2016-09-01 ├── GOPR*.MP4 ├── processed-python-data ├── ikea_action_data.h5
[1] Han et al. | [2] Toyer et al. |
If you find this dataset useful and use it in published work, please remember to cite the following two papers
@article{han2017, title={Human Action Forecasting by Learning Task Grammars}, author={Han, Tengda and Wang, Jue and Cherian, Anoop and Gould, Stephen}, journal={arXiv:1709.06391}, year={2017}} @inproceedings{toyer2017, title={Human Pose Forecasting via Deep {M}arkov Models}, author={Toyer, Sam and Cherian, Anoop and Han, Tengda and Gould, Stephen}, booktitle={DICTA}, year={2017}}